More Public Relations
Last year many of you contributed to my P.R. trip around the country. This year (July and August) I plan to go to Europe to visit our European sisters. There are 2 internat. conventions in London and I've adjusted my trip to be there for them I plan to present a paper to each of them. I also hope to give one to the Amer. Pshchol. Assn. in Wash. D.C., Sept. 1. The European part of this trip is my vacation, but going to and from it I am trying to arrange a number of stops and appearances on radio, TV or medical schools whatever I can do for public enlightment. This part is NOT my vacation and will make the whole trip much more expensive than just taking a transpolar plane from L.A. to Stockholm. I therefore solicit your help in two ways.
1) I need to know if there are any worthwhile interview type radio or TV shows in your area and whether they would be interested. You can call and ask the producer of the show. If they are, send me the name and address of the station, the show and the producer. I'll take it from there. I'll be in transit LA to NY. June 23 to July 3 and NY to LA Aug. 20 to Sept. 12 with Aug. 1 thru 3 in D.C. Thus in these two periods I can schedule stops around the country.
2) Such stops add much to the cost in plane fare, bus, taxi, hotel and food. So I solicit your contributions to help with this. As before an accounting of receipts and expenses will be made. I'm not asking help to pay for my vacation but I am asking help to promote YOUR (our) cause. Can you and will you?
Tentatively I'm thinking of Minneapolis, Madison, Chicago, Detroit, Albany, Binghampton, N.Y. Boston Wash. Cleveland, Chicago (again) maybe St. Louis, Tulsa, Dallas, Houston, Denver and home. IF something can be arranged. Any suggestions or help will be welcome.